Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sloooooow Dooooowwwwnnnn

The title refers to a classic bit from the great sitcom Taxi, back in the late 70's. I can't possibly do justice to it in a blog, but here's the link.

In the top 5 for the funniest scenes in sitcom history. Might want to start at the 4 minute mark. That's where it gets good.

I only mention this because "slow down" is becoming a mantra. It can't be this easy, and I know it's not. But every time I get in trouble, it's in some way related to the world speeding up on me. Saying something stupid, not listening carefully enough, losing my temper, even being stopped by a cop, as was the case 3 weeks ago. I was going 57 in a 45 mph zone. And the cop was actually tailgating me, probably entrapping me into speeding up. I fell for it.
Should I ever be stopped again, I have a strategy, which I didn't need to use this time, as I got off with a warning. I plan on saying to the officer, "Officer, if I can tell you the funniest joke you've ever heard, will you let me go with a warning?" I actually have two in mind, one more or less about sex and the other more or less about religion. I plan on giving the officer a choice, thinking that'll be more likely to entice him.

But, back to the main subject. Seems that illegally speeding should be a signal to me to slow everything down. The thing about all this though is that it's not logical. How is it possible to do more when I slow down? Yet, it seems to be true. Add to it that I may have an anxiety disorder. Not officially, but if my mind was a car, I wouldn't be allowed on the road. I refer to this as "mental NASCAR." And I'm the Richard Petty of it.
Somehow, this ties into something spiritual. But I don't think I can write about it, as I just don't understand it. But I do know this...if I was president, I'd encourage slowing down any chance I got. This includes a subject I've blogged about before...silence. I'd suggest we have a national STHU day. (Shut the Hell Up). My real name for it is STFU day but that may be offensive to some. 
When I'm racing, I'm not in the moment. I'm jumping ahead of myself, foreseeing a future that probably won't happen. And analyzing a past that's already been analyzed to death.
One really helpful Rx for this, for me, is simply breathing. I can't believe how helpful it's been for me to simply take a series of slow, deep breaths. I start at 10 and count down. But if I'm feeling really stressed, I'll start at 20.
I also can sing my way through my high-speed zones. And with the warmer weather, biking too has been tremendously helpful. But in the end, it's becoming a question of simply slowing down. Or, as the good Reverend Jim might say...

"Whaaaaaat's ................A...................Yehhhhhlllllllow..................Liiiiiiight.............Meeeeeeeeeeen?"

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