Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big ch-ch-ch-changes

So here's the deal...I start school on Aug. 29th. 12 credits this semester. I'm scared. I'm excited. I feel absolutely 100% this is the right thing to do. Yet, like someone about to go on stage, I wonder about bombing. I also have a tendency to take myself way too seriously, so in the end, I have a gut feeling that everything will go fine and I'm just being a drama king.
The background is this: 2 years ago, possibly this very week, I had an epiphany. I woke up with an image of my own therapy practice. My patients were mostly veterans, many of them Vietnam vets. And I pictured the conventional ways therapists and clients interact. But I also pictured using music, perhaps working with a licensed music therapist (a side goal for me). We all know the healing power of music. As a musician, I've seen music's transformative powers in action, both giving and receiving.

My to-do list for fall is:
  • Do well in school.
  • Do well at a 20 hour a week job, which happens to be in the social work department at SCSU. I've been told by my supervisor, who's also one of my professors, that if things are slow, I can spend some time studying.
  • Do well teaching my one course as an adjunct professor at a different college.
  • Keep playing in my band...and keep up with our rehearsals and gigs. 
  • Keep my relationship thriving. Something that I believe I will do but will still be a challenge. My girlfriend is also going back to school, plus she has a pretty stressful job as well. 
  • Keep in touch with all my good friends. A list which has expanded significantly in the last year, I might add. 
  • Stay healthy, including exercising every day. At minimum every other day.
Now, I realize this little list is much less stressful than, say, Obama's. I also realize that I have the good fortune to root for a baseball team that won't be going to postseason. Albeit in fall 2014, that might change, if my Mets can get some offense and stay healthy.

The key to how well things go for me (and most people, I suspect) is organization.
I don't have an opinion about Martha Stewart, but I think she may be on to something. There was a time in my life when I was super-organized. I believe organization, on the surface, is the key to success. If I'm not organized, and there have been many, many times when this has been the case, there's some explanation. At these times, I'm almost always rushing things. 
I'm not scattered, but on the other hand, my organizational skills have declined. Part of the problem is that I essentially have two addresses. My official address and the time I spend with my girlfriend at her house, which is about 20 miles away. I have trouble wrapping my head around two physical locations. What belongs where? Invariably, I find that wherever I am, the things I need are at the other place. My girlfriend said, "Why not just have two of everything?" For example, when it comes to vitamins, etc., all I have to do is split them into two bottles.
She does this frequently. That is, come up with a solution that's so obvious that I almost feel stupid not having thought of it. But she says these things in such a way where I don't feel stupid. Actually, it feels very humanizing. I call these moments "Love-duh's."
So, all these organizational skills will be put to the test over the next few months. As is always the case, when the challenge arises, a list of obstacles arises like targets in a video game. Some are true distractions. I don't have to have my place looking spotless. I don't need to upgrade my car. Or see every movie that's released that sounds moderately interesting. Or for that matter, rent every movie ever made that also might appeal to me. Or work on every side project I've ever envisioned. Or learn every gadget in the world that begins with "I-". Or single handedly bail out every poor nation in the world. Or even write this blog.
I do want to keep making music. I love playing with the band I'm in. They're a terrific group of people. Our chemistry is excellent. And we're pretty good, if I say so myself. Also, I DO need to go on a foliage trip. I've been doing that every year for most of my life. Nothing outdoors soothes my soul like seeing fall colors.
And even without the Mets, I want to see the World Series on TV. V told me yesterday that she was considering getting rid of cable. I was thunderstruck. The best WS of all time, for me, was 1991, Braves-Twins. No real rooting interest. Just great baseball. If it happens again, I don't want to miss it.

Music, baseball, fall trips. This so-called "must do" list is getting long. Maybe I can keep my blogs shorter, if I continue. Good time to quit for this week.

Happy rest of summer, y'

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