Monday, February 11, 2013

Nemo and the Grammy "Nemonations"

Well, I wanted to avoid Nemo for the simple reason that I couldn't possibly add anything new.

But I couldn't resist...And, I'm getting cabin fever and am not thinking clearly. What better time for a blog?

First, the facts. It snowed.

Now, on to some other observations of our storm of the millennium.

The highest recorded accumulation was in Hamden, CT. A nice generally non-descript little town abutting New Haven. The home of Ernest Borgnine, I might add. And a town I formerly lived in. They got 40 inches of snow. Nothing major; I just wanted to name drop a former address with a meteorological record. Apologies to my good friend Andy, (the link to his excellent blog "Navigating Life" is posted here). His town of Milford only got 38", thus taking the silver medal.
Now, had I not experienced a similar amount first hand, since I'm currently in Madison with GWCTRA, it would be a number so staggering that I wouldn't even be able to comprehend it. 3 feet, 4 inches. For those who think metrically, that's, um, that's, a lot of snow.
One other observation. I've done a 180 on this...I actually like that the storm has a name. Some don't. Including me, at first. I still think it's a bit narcissistic and self-serving for the Hollywood Channel, oops, the WEATHER Channel, to be naming storms. On the other hand, personifying storms has a precedent. Obviously, hurricanes. And to give this thing a name sort of humanizes further the event. And it's much easier to refer to a name rather than "the storm of Feb. 8th". I'm not sure I like "Nemo" though. It alters my positive image of one of my favorite Pixar characters. Change the 3rd letter and we get a nasty Roman emperor. I think I'd prefer that.   

So, the positives:
  • People are a lot nicer after a storm. The more adverse, the nicer we are. That's why I like living in areas with 4 seasons. It brings people together. 
  • It's incredibly beautiful. At least it was yesterday, when it was sunny as the sky was a remarkable shade of blue that words cannot do justice to.  It's ugly today. Plain rain that will freeze tonight. But that's OK.
  • The kids are in 7th heaven. Video games? TV? Sugar high? No comparison to being carted around on a sled by mom or dad, just like a king on a movable throne. 
  • I'm not in major pain. I shoveled, lifted, etc. Took a nice hot bath after each session and woke up with only minor back stiffness. I'm 57 and can still do this? I'm very, very grateful.
  • It helps me remember what's important. Having planned for the storm, we stocked up. We're OK for food. We have a roof over our head (for now anyway, until it collapses). We're even lucky enough to have power. And we have each other. GWCTRA's son, who lives near Boston, was without power. He managed to drive down here to stay for a day or two. How blessed is that? For us all? I keep a list of gratitudes on my refrigerator. Sometimes I forget to look at it but there's almost always something that reminds me to check it every now and then.
The negatives: I actually did have a list but after that last bullet point, the negatives suddenly seem not worth posting.
But I will make one complaint. I admit to getting impatient with people who complain after a storm. I was in a mini market and a guy says, out of the blue, "I can hardly get out of my driveway. There's drifts almost up to my head. I'm losin' a day of work." I'm SO tempted to say, "Really? That's terrible. You must be horribly inconvenienced. Tell you what, I'll head back home and round up some people to help take care of you. No problem finding people, since EVERY(bleepin')BODY is in the same situation as you."

There, I feel better. So I'm going to segue to another topic. We saw the Grammys last night. (since everything is closed today, there was no need to get to bed early). I had a similar reaction as I did last week when I watched the Super Bowl. A one word reaction..."excess." My mind is picturing dollar signs. How much money is spent on the Grammys? Probably a pittance compared to the Super Bowl. But...really? And seeing the Preservation Hall Jazz Band there was almost an out of body experience. I've seen an incarnation of this band actually in the French Quarter. And they're dressed up? And not even playing jazz? Is every single category of  music merging into one super-category now? There's no country music, a la Hank or Merle. There's no jazz, a la Dixieland or traditional. Even the so-called "tribute" to the great Dave Brubeck lasted barely a minute. And you had 3 jazz greats playing Take 5 at a breakneck pace?
Speaking of breakneck pace, it was nice to remember Levon Helm and his signature song, (written by Bandmate Robbie Robertson), The Weight. But it was also way too fast. And too short.
As for R&B, well, that flame is still alive. I thought Frank Ocean and Miguel both did great jobs and are phenomenal talents. Rihanna too, who did a gorgeous ballad. So maybe R&B still exists. And rock? Maybe Jack Black. And that's a big maybe. Bonnie Raitt was there. So was Sting, although his style has always crossed categories. They both looked extremely uncomfortable. The rockers should be in jeans, slinging their axes hooked up to a Marshall stack. Not gowned up with scowls (Sting) or forced smiles (Bonnie).
Hip hop was well represented. I don't quite connect to it but I do respect it. And increasingly so. I want to know it better. Something I say every year but never seem to do. I had a co-worker a few years ago, a 50+ year old white guy who was into hip-hop. He was a nice guy. But still, I just cringed.

Perhaps the best symbol of music today is the "symbol" himself. The Artist formerly known as "symbol" and is now back to his original non-original name, Prince. Catch him? The cane? The shades? The death countenance? I had this vision of a guy from the other side walking into the real world.
I feel a little bit like that. I love music. I live it. And at the same time, I feel like I'm turning into my old fogey who just doesn't "get it". I'm embarrassed to feel this way. But I do. Some of the big nominees are remarkably gifted. Mumford and Sons, Fun., Lumineers, the others I mentioned. Kelly Clarkson too. But I wish someone would just unleash them and let them enjoy themselves.
Smiles, special effects and hype don't equal joy.

Maybe I need to play in the snow.

Thanks for

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