Monday, November 5, 2012

The cost of (electoral) college

Twas the night before the election and all 'cross the USA
The people were anxious...tomorrow's the day
Some will wait for hours to step into the booth
Some will stay home with their gin and vermouth

But for 38 states, some blue and some red
The Electoral College had rendered them dead
The 2 candidates had treated these states
Like tuberculosis on a first date

The founding fathers, some centuries ago
Believed that voters should not bestow
The presidency via popular vote
Instead, they compromised; here's what they wrote

"The leaders of states shall elect a committee
From various towns, villages, and cities
This committee shall vote in early December
To reflect the will of the votes in November"

Does anyone know how this process takes place?
Who gets to decide, and in such a close race
When the winner can be so strangely determined
By a ghost of a Daley or a Long or Strom Thurmond 

And in some states, this isn't always true
By law, they can vote for whoever they want to
Add to it, long lines and machines that are mysteries
Election fairness? That is history

I guess it makes for good conversation
But this Electoral College is an abomination
One hopes this is the final nail in its coffin
But until then..."vote early; vote often"

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