Monday, November 12, 2012

My 2 election cents

First, a plug for a good friend of mine, Andy Ancel, who posts a wonderful blog called Navigating Life. Andy and I used to do beach walks. Not so much these days. But his blog reminds me of things we might say as we go walking. Check it out at

What a juxtaposition of events we've had here in the northeast. In one week, we had Sandy, an election, and a noreaster. (If you're a Romney supporter, one could argue that it's 3 devastating events in one week). Long time meteorologists have said they've never, ever witnessed a hurricane followed a week later by a noreaster.
Since I'm not devastated, I've just been in a reflective mood all week. As have many of my friends, particularly those in the GOP. (My GOP friends are not in the Karl Rove/denial camp. They're hurt but have their feet solidly planted in the real world)

I remember how I felt after the 2004 election. In short, I was devastated. I thought, "This horrific unnecessary war, and Bush gets 4 more years? What the hell is wrong with this country?" I remember getting out my guitar and playing George's (that's Harrison, not W. Bush) "All Things Must Pass" to some like-minded people. Later that night, I was watching the Daily Show because I was curious to see what Jon Stewart would do. He didn't disappoint. His guest was Bill Kristol, the conservative commentator. And, I might add, a friend of Stewart's. Kristol says to Stewart, "Don't worry, Jon. The worm always turns." Stewart responded by saying, "That's OK. Nothing that some porn tapes and a brick of hash can't fix."

That response was so hilariously pathetic (done intentionally, of course), that it managed to lift my spirits a bit.
I have one friend in particular who's a solid, bleed GOP red, conservative. He was also devastated last week. He's more or less come out of it but still in a funk. I said the same thing to him that Kristol said to Stewart.
Because, indeed, the parties always come back. It's happened numerous times just in my life. And I hope the GOP DOES come back, but in its retro, "fiscally responsible, socially moderate, foreign policy-no-neoconservatives-need-apply" mode. Closer to the one I grew up with, not the one that's been hijacked by those in denial and in the stone age....You know the names already.
Arrogance and denial don't get us anywhere. Each party needs a counterweight. Something to drive the party to the middle. I don't know what'll come out of the GOP over the next few weeks. I've heard those who got some religion, so to speak. I've heard others who, incredibly, say the party was too moderate. This is when they're taking a break from their research trying to find the gene that terminates a pregnancy upon rape.
I don't have a sense of what they'll do but I can only hope both sides will sit down and hammer something out that moves us forward. I'm not taking any bets, that's for sure. 
I'm a registered independent who voted for Gary Johnson. Yeah, a protest vote. To protest the stranglehold 2 party system we live in. Had I lived in a swing state, it would have been Obama. But because I live in CT, I have the luxury of going 3rd party.
That's why I plan on contacting my state reps and others so that we in CT can elect the president the same way Maine and Nebraska congressional district, not winner take all. In a poll last year by Gallup, 62% of voters want to get rid of the EC. I've also joined the site Which is my real goal...Prez elected by popular vote.

And finally, we have a 4th event, one that we can all agree on. My father, who died before I was born, was  in the Air Force in WW2. His father lied about his age to serve in WW1. I'm not a veteran but feel an increasingly stronger obligation to honor our veterans.
I can't write anything that's not cliched, so I won't. But I will say that I'm going back to school (if accepted) to become a full time student, working toward my MSW. And then my LCSW, hopefully starting a private therapy practice specializing in veterans issues. And hopefully using music in some capacity as part of the healing process. Until then, if you see a veteran, a sincere "thank you for your service" or "welcome home" does a lot more good than you might think. So DO it. And (have to add one cliche here), that I can post this blog and have friends across the aisle is a tribute to our country. And that's because of veterans.Thank you to those who've served and kept us safe.

Catch you later, y'all.

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