Sunday, September 23, 2012

Generally and randomly speaking

Before I begin, thank you to my friend Mary G. for pointing out that she couldn't comment on my last blog. Turns out, I had the settings set for registered users only. Now changed to anyone. So, feel free to rip this blog to shreds. I can take it.  Just one thing...does the IT term "trojan" mean anything to you? Just sayin'.

Now, on to the main points. I am a proud generalist and lover of randomness. I say this because my mind, at present, is swimming with thoughts of baseball, football, relationships, foliage, God, my jobs, money, family, and the presidential race. Oh, and my car too, which has gone "Hyde" on me after 2 years of benign "Jekyllness".
In other words, I'm about as scattered as I've ever been. Therefore, it's beyond my capability at the moment to write about one subject and to follow its train of thought. (I really need to stay away from Diet Mountain Dew) At times like this, I revel in my generalist and random tendencies. On the former, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. Actually, the "all-trades" part is severely exaggerated. I'm a Jack-of-limited-trades, to be honest. But still, I prefer this to being a specialist. Tunnel vision scares me. I don't want to be the go-to guy for a subject and risk being clueless on everything else. I know too many people like that.

Randomness is another trait I value. When someone is talking to me in a random style, assuming he/she isn't doing so intentionally, I know we're both being open minded and we're not locked into a certain point of view, or trying to win any arguments.  Our bond of randomness grows.

Speaking of which, what great weather we're having, huh?

See? Isn't that adorable?

And speaking of random, here are some random thoughts:
1: There are enough songs on George Harrison's All Things Must Pass to make it one of the 5 greatest single albums of all time.  Alas, it was a triple album loaded with filler. Sorry, George. Just sayin'.
2: It's always a good day when the Yankees and/or when the Dallas Cowboys lose.
3: There are some musicians who are so beloved by the critics that they could probably release albums of them gargling mouthwash and the critics would still rave. 2 examples: Emmylou Harris and Bruce Springsteen. (2 musicians who I am fans of, by the way)
4: The 3 points above make me sound really, really, old. Guilty as charged.
5: Unless the last name is Kennedy or Adams, Massachusetts politicians are clueless about how to run a campaign.
6: I don't understand the term "cross-section". Whenever I heard it in 10th grade biology, I knew I was going to flunk the test.
7: I'm a registered independent who generally leans Democrat, but I think Ryan's Medicare plan, although not perfect, is an excellent starting point. Obama has lied about it and has lost my vote. Admittedly, I live in a safely blue state and would probably vote Obama if I lived in a swing state. Right now, I vote for Gary Johnson and if he's not on the ballot, I write him in.
8: Speaking of which (I'm suddenly going linear), the electoral college is a sad joke that should be eliminated via amendment. The sooner, the better.
9: My son and his generation are very familiar with, and generally fans of, classic rock. Yet, when I was growing up, I didn't know a thing about my parents' music.
10: I really need to upgrade my wardrobe. 
11: 99.9% of Americans praise veterans. For most of that group, although heartfelt, it's words without deeds. So, when you see a veteran, say "Thank you for your service." Or, if they just returned from Afghanistan or Iraq, try "Welcome home." If you happen to see them in, say, a convenience store, offer to buy them a cup of coffee, soda, whatever. Just as a token of thanks. If you've got a free morning or afternoon, volunteer at a VA Hospital or any other group that works with veterans. Your skills are needed, believe me.
12: If you take the word "parties" (as in political) and add an "a", you get an anagram of the word "parasite".
13: Getting campaign advice from Sarah Palin (as Mitt Romney did over the weekend) is like getting singing advice from Roseanne Barr.
14: Every time I read something and I see the phrase "He thought to himself...etc." I go out of my zone. Who ELSE does someone think to? It always stops me.

So I'm thinking to myself, this is a good place to stop.

Enjoy the spectacular weather (if you're in New England) y'all.

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